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Can CBD Oil Provide Relief for Arthritis? - Facts You Need To Know
Arthritis is a major pain in the butt for most adults. It’s a medical term that is used to define hundreds of joint problems, but there is one thing in common; it’s annoying and painful as hell.
If left untreated, arthritis can become untreatable. This is why it is crucial for you to realise how important it is to diagnose this disorder as soon as you start feeling its symptoms.
Medical science has taken this disease very seriously as it affects millions of adults throughout the world. So, fortunately, there are plenty of medicines that can help treat this problem quickly.
However, as we all know, prescribed drugs come with their own side of negative effects that are hard to swallow. So, it makes sense if you’re looking for alternatives that can treat arthritis without giving you any long-term side effects, which can be worse than this joint disorder.
CBD is one of those alternatives. It has shown remarkable promise to treating arthritis but the question is; is it really a good alternative to treat arthritis or is CBD just a snake oil scheme?
Let’s find out:
What is Arthritis?
Before we dive deep into CBD and its effects on arthritis, you should know if you actually have it in the first place. As the saying goes, “know your enemy before going into the battlefield”, it is a good idea to know what arthritis really is since most people do not understand it very well.
For starters, arthritis is actually a term that medical experts use to define a joint pain or disorder.
Believe it or not but there are more than a hundred types of joint conditions that come in the category of arthritis. The bad news is: this problem can occur in every age, sex, and race.
In fact, more than 50 million adults and 300,000+ children have some type of arthritis. This is in the United States alone. You’ll see most women and elderly adults with arthritis symptoms like:
- Swelling
- Stiffness
- Chronic pain
- Difficulty to walk or move
- Change in joints’ appearance
And many more. Although most symptoms are visible to the naked eye; some might be lurking inside your body ‒ most likely in your heart, eyes, lungs, kidneys as well as skin.
The reason for this is that arthritis can affect, aside from joints, other parts of our body.
This is why it is highly recommended that you visit your doctor at least twice a year for a thorough check-up of how your body is doing ‒ especially if you feel like you have arthritis.
How Can CBD Help Arthritis Patients?
The ability to reduce pain and alleviate inflammation is what CBD is known best for.
In fact, there are countless studies that prove how effective CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties are; both orally and topically. These studies have been done on animals as well as humans. And you should know that one of the most common symptoms of arthritis is pain caused by inflammation. So, if CBD can effectively manage to reduce inflammation, it can be an explanation why CBD can work against arthritis so well. But, all theories aside, we know for sure that there is some relation to CBD and its effects on arthritis, as documented in studies.
Just take a look at this study done on mice, which suggests that CBD can help slow the progression of arthritis, which in result, would prevent joint from deteriorating in the long haul.
And there are multiple researches that have clarified how useful CBD can be as a therapeutic treatment for people in pain, especially those who have osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
So, in the end, we can say it with confident that CBD can help you live a better lifestyle by alleviating the symptoms of arthritis and allowing you to have more control on your body.
Just So You Know…
CBD is not, in any way, a substitute for arthritis treatment. And it is definitely not a “miracle cure” for this painful joint disorder. We know it works wonderfully in alleviating arthritis symptoms like pain and inflammation (as dictated by independent reviews, scientific research and studies); we also know the fact that it is not a cure-all for arthritis patients ‒ not evidently anyway.
You should know that CBD is not approved by FDA as a treatment for arthritis or related conditions. Since it is a new substance and is still under research, we do not have any statistical evidence that puts a stamp on CBD as a “legitimate and superior treatment” for arthritis.
But, once you put all that aside, and realise that CBD is safe to consume, with little (reactions) to no side effects; it may be a good idea to experiment with CBD and see if it’s works out for you or not. However, before you do that; let’s take a look at some of the most frequently asked questions that have been asked of us by our beloved readers. Here goes nothing:
Some Questions We Hear Most
What is the best way to take CBD for arthritis pain?
Let’s make it short. There are multiple ways to consume CBD but here are three of them, which we recommend the most for arthritis patients:
- CBD Tinctures
- CBD Capsules
- CBD Creams/Ointments
The most recommend way to consume CBD oil (at least in our opinion) is tinctures.
This is because they don’t only work very fast, but also pack a powerful punch as compared to other methods of taking CBD. You consume tincture sublingually and by the time it reaches your bloodstream, you will start feeling the effects of CBD already.
Plus, you can also use tinctures in your food as a supplement. However, if you are in a hurry, you can choose CBD capsules for its convenience and portability. But, since capsules go through the digestive process before its content can enter the bloodstream, capsule loses a lot of its potency, which is not a good thing ‒ especially if you want the most bang for your buck.
Finally, we have CBD creams, lotions and ointments. These products are also very good if you want instant relief to a particular area. Let’s say you have this agonising pain in the joints of your right hand. What can you do? Simple. Grab a CBD topical and apply it directly onto it. Within a few minutes, you will get a sense of relief from the pain that would’ve been torturing you all day.
How do I know if I’m taking an optimal CBD dosage for arthritis?
It’s quite simply actually. The good rule of thumb is to start off with the manufacturer’s recommended dosage. It’s usually around 25mg to 50mg per dose.
Once you start there, give it a week or two for CBD to really work its magic. After you’ve given your body plenty of time to adapt to CBD, we advise you to start increasing the dosage.
Keep increasing the dosage until you are content with one that seems like it’s doing a jolly good job. You’ll know what we mean once you’ve started experiencing the desired effects from CBD.
Final Verdict
While CBD is definitely not a cure all for arthritis, it shows remarkable promise to become a better, more reliable, and superior alternative to prescribed drugs for this joint disorder.
Many have tried and tested CBD for its health benefits on pain, anxiety, depression and other conditions that are so common yet untreatable with modern medicines. Although we know that anecdotal reports mean nothing when it comes to credible evidence, it still shows that CBD might be a good option to experiment with since it has no known negative side effects.
So what are your thoughts on CBD for arthritis? Would you be willing to try it out on your own or would you want to wait until there is more scientific support to back up CBD's health claims?
If you have had success with using a CBD product we would love to hear about it in our comments section below. We also encourage you to share our article with any loved ones who may be suffering from arthritis.