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How Effective Is CBD Oil In Managing Pain? - Facts You Need To Know
Pain. A blessing in disguise, that cautions us if something goes horribly wrong with our body. It’s a fail-safe that alarms us to quickly diagnose any kind of problem we might be facing inside out.
However, sometimes, this blessing can become, a sort of curse. For some people, pain can become a never-ending sore to your body ‒ keeping you troubled and stressed in your life.
If you’re one of those people, we feel you. But, fret not. Because, there is a way to control your pain and keep it under wraps like it’s never there. Science knows it as cannabidiol aka CBD.
It’s a newfound natural substance derived from cannabis that has proven its effectiveness against pain ‒ no matter how severe or chronic it might be. So, this is exactly what we will discuss in this article i.e. the relation between CBD and pain.
Grab a cup of coffee because this might take some time. We’ll not only cover what pain really is (which, most people don’t really know about) but also the research and studies that back up the claims of CBD helping people who had trouble managing physical pain.
So, without further ado; let’s get started:
What is Pain?
We all experience pain. But, to be honest, nobody knows what it really is. Some say it’s a reaction to ‘danger’ that we face physically (or sometimes, mentally). And some have their own weird opinions about it. But, here’s what science has to say about pain, and we quote:
“Pain is a distressing feeling often caused by intense or damaging stimuli.” ‒ Wikipedia.
Although it’s a complex phenomenon and requires further research to fully understand how pain actually works ‒ medical experts have classified pain into two major categories:
- Neuropathic Pain
- Nociceptive Pain
Don’t worry about the medical terms of these categories. We explain what they are below:
Neuropathic Pain
You might have already guessed what neuropathic pain actually is. If not, it’s simply what science knows as ‘nerve pain’. The bad thing about this pain is that it’s almost always chronic.
This is because nerve pain is caused when heavy damage takes place on your nerves, which is why, it’s called nerve pain. Since nerves, themselves, are very complex and cannot be healed like bones or tissues, the pain stays there for a long time ‒ unless, you take over-the-counter medicines, which basically stop the nerves from signalling the brain that it is damaged or “hurt”.
The sensation is different from person to person. Some feel like the affected area is “on fire” inside out, while others feel like they’ve been electrocuted. Studies have also collected statements from people under nerve pain that described it as a ‘shooting and tingling sensation’.
The cause of nerve damage can be from anything. But, these are the related disorders that damage nerves. At least, that’s what studies have shown so far:
There are also certain conditions that can trigger neuropathic pain, which are:
- Alcoholism
- Shingles
- Syphilis
- Surgery (especially if it’s related to spine)
- Migraine Headaches
- Back Pain (in some cases)
If you believe you have nerve pain, we strongly advise you to consult a medical professional rather than read blogs that suggest taking/recommending medicines for it. This is because, if you’re not careful, self-medicating can lead to severe side effects ‒ especially if you’re going for conventional allopathic drugs. Now, with that said, let’s move onto another kind of pain:
Nociceptive Pain
This is the kind of pain that we humans face normally. Nociceptive pain is caused by the damage to your body, either physically or mechanically. The damage can be from:
- Injury
- Burns and bruises
- Bone fracture
- Tissue damage
- Joint problem (like arthritis)
- Sprains and contusions
The nerves that are responsible for creating the common ‘painful feeling’ (that we all are so familiar with) are called nociceptive nerves. If the pain is ignored and left untreated, these nerves can inflame and cause a chain-reaction of painful sensation that can spread over time.
You know what we’re talking about, don’t you?
And, you may already be familiar with common over the counter drugs for this type of pain. However, if you’re experiencing chronic pain, it’s a good idea to visit the good old doc.
Now, let’s set this painful introduction aside and move onto the real thing:
Why CBD is Good for Pain Management
You now know that there are two types of pain, what causes them, and how you can get it under control (by visiting a doctor, remember?). However, if you’re smart and don’t want to indulge yourself into the sour side effects of conventional pharmaceutical treatments, you’ve come to the right place. You see, there is a great alternative, a holy grail you might say, that works wonderfully against pain ‒ almost like it’s blessed right from above. It’s known as CBD.
CBD aka cannabidiol is a recent natural substance that science has taken a keen interest in.
And there are multiple reasons why. The health benefits that it provides far exceed any other conventional drug that we know of ‒ especially when it comes to treating pain.
The best part is: unlike conventional drugs, CBD doesn’t have any side effects that science has yet to discover. Although we agree that there is a lack of research related to CBD, but so far, there haven’t been a single evidence that claimed any side effects coming from this substance, however, you might experience some reaction from CBD, which is very normal.
If you didn’t already know, CBD is derived from cannabinoids, which is something also found in our endocannabinoid system. This can explain why we humans feel little to no side effects from CBD. However, if you’re confused to choose between these two CBD forms (hemp-based and marijuana-based); we recommend CBD derived from hemp plants over medicinal marijuana because of two main reasons:
First off, it’s not illegal to purchase hemp-based CBD oil. And many countries like United States are now accepting CBD oil (hemp-based) as a dietary supplement.
- Second, the THC levels found in hemp based CBD oil are 0.3%, which is almost negligible when compared to high THC levels found in medicinal marijuana. THC is what causes you to get high, which is why medicinal marijuana has a bad reputation to it.
There are other benefits of hemp based CBD oil than triumph over its counterpart like: affordability, availability and ease of use but we’re not going to dive deep into that.
For now, you should know that if you ever wish to go buy CBD oil for your pain, in our opinion, go for a hemp-based product. It’s a better, safer, and readily available option.
Now, let’s discuss some studies and research done on CBD and its effects on pain:
Here’s What Science Has to Say About CBD
It all started in 1980 when some curious geniuses figured out that there is a strong presence of receptors (in the brain of rats), which are designed to detect and bind with cannabinoids.
Since that discovery, it’s become a known fact that we humans have a system that directly affects our mood, emotions, pain, diseases, physical and mental health, and almost every other system of our human body. We call it, the endocannabinoid system.
But, unfortunately, due to the tarnished reputation of marijuana and related substances, some authorities have poked their noses in them, resulting in the halt of research done on CBD.
Fortunately, there are some limited clinical trials that have shown promising results of CBD against neuropathic pain by controlling inflammation. The results have also intrigued medical experts, who are doing their best to promote further research and studies in CBD and its relation with pain. Hopefully, in a few years, we’ll see more evidence to support CBD’s health benefits.
The good news is, as we’ve said above, CBD is safe to consume for adults. There is no paper that suggests any negative side effect that CBD may be packed with. However, to be sure if CBD is safe for pregnant, nursing women and children; we need more time and research.
Apart from scientific evidence, there are plethora of testimonials from patients of neuropathic and nociceptive pain that claim to find relief by taking CBD as a supplement. In fact, they’ve found better results from CBD oil than conventional drugs that have been prescribed to them.
But, it doesn’t mean you should be throwing your prescribed medicines into the toilet. If you’re in chronic pain, and are already being diagnosed ‒ we suggest you go with the flow, and try out CBD with it as a supplement, that is, if your doctor is okay with it.
Speaking of which, you should know that CBD is not still approved by FDA to be an effective treatment for pain. It is still considered a food supplement, like all other non-tested substances.
So, it’s up to you whether you want to take the matter of your health on your own hands or not.
Since research is expensive and takes time, we would recommend you to experiment with CBD oil and see how it manages your pain. If it gives you a sense of relaxation, good for you!
If not, then there is still nothing to worry about since there are no side effects of CBD.
Now, if you are hoping that CBD might help relieve you from pain, here’s how to take it:
The Right Dosage for CBD Oil Against Pain
Before we dive into the dosage, you have to know that there are four forms of CBD oil.
Each have their own perks that can be effective for some people, while not for others.
Let’s take a quick look at all four of them:
The most common way to consume CBD oil is via tinctures. This is our most recommended method of consuming CBD oil because of how quickly it allows CBD to absorb into our bloodstream, resulting in a burstful experience of relief and calm ‒ almost instantly.
The tincture, itself, comes in a small bottle with an eye dropper cap. You just drop a few drops directly under your tongue and voila! Within a few minutes, your pain will seem to fade away.
The main advantage of tinctures is that it acts quickly. It’s also one of the least processed form of cannabidiol (which means you get more bang for the buck). And, you can add it in your food.
But, for some, it might be too uncomfortable to use tinctures on a daily basis. Others might not like the taste. So, if that’s you; we suggest you take a look at other three forms of CBD oil.
For people who want convenience, capsules and soft-gels are the best way to consume CBD.
We recommend capsules if you don’t care about spending extra money for precise dosing and labour-saving consumption of CBD’s health benefits. Since it’s a capsule, you do not have to worry about its taste. Take it like you’d take all other forms of capsule based supplements.
The downside of capsules is, however, they take time to take effect on you. Since capsules go through your digestive process, you lose potency because of a rapid decrease in absorption rate. Other than that, capsules are a good option to take CBD on a daily basis.
Let’s move onto another way of using CBD:
If you’re feeling common (nociceptive) pain, going for topicals can be a good idea ‒ especially if you’re feeling pain on a specific area only. The topicals come in creams, lotions and ointments.
You can apply it directly to the affected area (where its painful) and it should give you an instant relief. Topicals are perfect for people with arthritis, injured victims, and any other localised pain.
Some CBD topicals include arnica in it, which can supercharge CBD’s pain-relieving effects.
However, like capsules, topicals can be pretty heavy on your pocket. And you may also lose some health benefits that you get by taking CBD orally.
Now, let’s move onto the last and trendy form of consuming CBD:
While vaping might not sound fascinating to some people, it has become a trendy way of consuming CBD ‒ especially for people who wish to quit smoking.
Altough we do not recommend it for newbies who’re just getting started with CBD ‒ it can be an interesting choice for some of you guys, who are already taking CBD for quite some time.
The main advantage of vaping and dabbing is that it’s highly bioavailable. In layman terms, it means that you get to enjoy a quick relief, the instant you inhale the juice inside your lungs.
Like smoking (albeit being deadly), vaping can also help you relieve stress. But, with great benefits, comes some drawbacks as well. These include high price for gear and refills, possible side effects due to lack of research and the inability to inhale a precise dosage.
Speaking of dosage:
What is the Right Dosage?
In short, there is no specific dosage for everyone. This is because there are a number of factors that play a critical role in determining what dosage might work for you. These factors include:
- Your body mass
- Your experience with CBD
- Your desired results from CBD
- How you want to consume CBD
- Potency and quality of the product you bought
- And many other little factors that are boring to talk about
Because of this, you might not feel anything during the first few weeks. And it’s very common with people who are unfamiliar with CBD or cannabis. The reason behind this is that many of us do not have the capacity to absorb CBD optimally. This is why, our body takes time to build more receptors that can detect and bind with CBD, which can be as long as two weeks.
You may also feel mild symptoms of nausea, headache or in the worst case, diarrhea if you’ve never taken CBD before and you consumed a heavy dose of it. We know this is what you fear.
So, what we would suggest is to start with the manufacturer’s recommended dosage, which is almost always around 25mg to 50mg. Continue taking this dosage for the first two weeks.
You’ll most likely start feeling some relaxation and calm effect. But, to get the most out of CBD, we recommend you to increase the dosage until your pain completely fades away.
However, do not consume the dosage more than 250mg. Because some reports suggest that after that, the health benefits of CBD start to lose their touch and a heavy dosage might even increase pain. We do not know why but it is advised that you do not exceed the 250mg dosage.
Final Verdict
CBD is a very good alternative to painkillers. It’s safe to consume, with little to no side effects when compared to prescribed drugs for pain. It also has some serious health benefits that are backed by research and clinical trials.
While it may take CBD some time to become the champion and go to for pain relief or to get approved by rightful authorities like FDA or DEA; it is a fact that CBD is making the lives of many, easier.
So what are your thoughts on CBD for managing pain? Would you be willing to try it out on your own or would you want to wait until there is more scientific support to back up CBD's health claims?
If you have had success with using a CBD product we would love to hear about it in our comments section below. We also encourage you to share our article with any loved ones who may be suffering from chronic pain.